(set #inst_text "BackClock Installation on Hard Disk")
(set #prog "backclock")
(set #notlib "notityintuition.library")
(set @minuser "Intermediate")
(set @appname "BackClock")
(set #gosrc 1)
(set #gobootup 1)
(set #defpathprefs "sys:prefs/")
(set #destdir_prompt "Where do you want to install BackClock\nA drawer will be created.")
(set #destdirprefs "Where do you want to install BackClock preferences.")
(set #destdir (askdir
(prompt #destdir_prompt)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Work:")
(set @default-dest (tackon #destdir "BackClock"))
(if (not (exists (@default-dest)))
(makedir @default-dest (infos))
(if (not (exists (tackon "libs:" #notlib)))
(message "\nnotifyintuition.library not found. Do you want to continue the installation? See help for more"
(help "You need notifyintuition.library V2.0 to run this prog, this library can be found on aminet util/wb/clvrwin.lha")
(if(>= (getversion #notlib) 131072)
(message "\nnotifyintuition.library too old. Do you want to continue the installation? Notifyintuition.library can be found on Aminet in the directory /util/wb/clvrwin.lha"
(help "notifyintution.library must be version 2.0 so go and get it right now!!!")
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(set #gobootup
(prompt "Do you want to run BackClock each startup ?")
(help "If you answer yes, then BackClock will be copied to SYS:WBStartup.")
(set #sourcepath @default-dest)
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(set #defpathprefs (askdir
(prompt #destdirprefs)
(help "Please choose where to place the preferences utility.")
(default #defpathprefs)
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Do you want to install sources ?")
(help "This will install the sources of the program in the directory sources./")
;install sources
(set #gosrc 1)
(if (= 2 @user-level)
(set #sourcepath (askdir
(prompt "Where do you want to install sources codes ?\nA drawer called sources will be created there.")
(help "You have to choose where the sources be placed.")